fgl- Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library
Safe HaskellNone



Example Graphs


Auxiliary Functions

genUNodes :: Int -> [UNode] Source #

generate list of unlabeled nodes

genLNodes :: Enum a => a -> Int -> [LNode a] Source #

generate list of labeled nodes

labUEdges :: [Edge] -> [UEdge] Source #

denote unlabeled edges

noEdges :: [UEdge] Source #

empty (unlabeled) edge list

Small Dynamic Graphs

a :: Gr Char () Source #

b :: Gr Char () Source #

c :: Gr Char () Source #

e :: Gr Char () Source #

ab :: Gr Char () Source #

Small Static Graphs

a' :: IO (SGr Char ()) Source #

b' :: IO (SGr Char ()) Source #

c' :: IO (SGr Char ()) Source #

e' :: IO (SGr Char ()) Source #

ab' :: IO (SGr Char ()) Source #

Functions to Create (Regular) Graphs

ucycle :: Graph gr => Int -> gr () () Source #

star :: Graph gr => Int -> gr () () Source #

ucycleM :: GraphM m gr => Int -> m (gr () ()) Source #

starM :: GraphM m gr => Int -> m (gr () ()) Source #

More Graphs

clr : Cormen/Leiserson/Rivest

kin : Kingston

Dynamic Versions

Static Versions