1. Dynamic gossip
    1. Dynamic Epistemic Gossip
    2. Group calls
  2. Gossip protocols
  3. Modelling
    1. Knowledge Structures
    2. Action Models
  4. References

Dynamic gossip

Dynamic gossip1 is a process in which agents communicate (telephone) “numbers”and“secrets”. This is modelled using a gossip graph \(G = (A,N,S)\) with \(A\) a set of agents and \(N \subseteq S \subseteq A^2\) binary relations representing which agents knows whose number and/or secrets. This process is called dynamic because the graph changes on runtime. It has been proven2 that for a gossip graph with \(n \geq 4\) agents, the number of calls needed before all agents know all secrets is \(2n - 4\).

Dynamic Epistemic Gossip

In Dynamic Epistemic Gossip345, the gossip process is modelled through the knowledge that agents have at any given point. A Kripke-like model is established, where every world represents a gossip state, represented by an initial gossip graph and a sequence of calls that is valid for this graph. The accessibility relations for any agent are established between gossip states that are “indistinguishable” for them, given their known secrets and numbers and their (individual) call history. Through these accessibility relations, a notion of agent knowledge is made that can be used to create epistemic protocols: Only allow a call if it satisfies a certain epistemic formula in the gossip model.

Group calls

Lebensold6 generalised the formula for the number of calls needed in a gossip graph before every agent knows all secret to say that \(\frac{n - 2}{k - 1} + \frac{n - 1}{k} + 1\) calls when there is a group of \(n\) agents with group calls between \(k\) agents, and \(1 \leq n \leq k^2\), and \(2(\frac{n-2}{k -1})\) for \(n > k^2\).

Gossip protocols

To determine which calls are allowed on a gossip graph, the notion of Gossip Protocols is used. These exist in both epistemic and “regular” variants. A protocol is a combination of a protocol condition and a deterministic algorithm:

repeat forever
    select agent v ∈ A such that condition φ(u, v) is satisfied 
    execute call uv

(Source: Van Ditmarsch (2017)5)

Currently, the project contains the following protocols:

  • ANY: \(\varphi(x, y) := \top\)
  • Learn New Secrets: \(\varphi(x, y) := \neg S(x, y)\)
  • Possible Information Growth: \(\varphi(x, y) := \hat{K}_x \bigvee_{z \in A} (S(x, z) \leftrightarrow \neg S(y, z))\)


Knowledge Structures

Knowledge Structures7 are a computationally efficient way of representing knowledge in a system. It is possible to convert between Kripke models and Knowledge structures, and they have been shown to be equivalent. A knowledge structure \(\mathcal{F}\) is a tuple consisting of a set of atoms \(V\), a state law \(\theta\) and a set of observables \(O_1,\dots,O_n\) such that \(\mathcal{F} = (V, \theta, O_1,\dots,O_n)\).

Action Models

Action models8 are a way to model the way knowledge changes in a model. They contain information about the way indistinguishability relations change. Like Kripke models and Knowledge structures, the can also be modelled as a structure, in this case \(\langle E, \sim, pre \rangle\) where \(E\) is a domain of events, \(\sim\) is an equivalence relation on \(E\), and \(pre\) is a precondition function that assigns a precondition to each \(e \in E\).

Action models are used with Kripke models, but an equivalent structure exists for Knowledge Structures: The Knowledge Transformer7. A knowledge transformer \(\mathcal{X}\) is a tuple \((V^+, \theta^+, O_1,\dots,O_n)\). Interestingly, a semi-private announcement (i.e., a group call!) can be modelled quite easily:

\[\mathcal{X} = ((\{p_{\varphi}\}, p_{\varphi} \leftrightarrow \varphi, O_1^+, \dots, O_n^+))\]

where \(O_i^+ = \{p_{\varphi}\}\) if \(i \in \Delta\) and \(O_i^+ = \emptyset\) otherwise. This shows a semi-private announcement of \(\varphi\) to a group of agents \(\Delta\). (Example taken directly from 7, Ex. 2.5.2)


  1. Van Ditmarsch, H., van Eijck, J., Pardo, P., Ramezanian, R., & Schwarzentruber, F. (2018). Dynamic Gossip. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 45(3), 701–728. DOI: 10/cvpm 

  2. Tijdeman, R. (1971). On a telephone problem. Nieuw Archief Voor Wiskunde, 3(19), 188–192. 

  3. Herzig, A., & Maffre, F. (2017). How to share knowledge by gossiping. AI Communications, 30(1), 1–17. DOI: 10/f94qxh 

  4. Ramezanian, R., Ramezanian, R., van Ditmarsch, H., & Gattinger, M. (2021). Everyone Knows that Everyone Knows. In M. Mojtahedi, S. Rahman, & M. S. Zarepour (Eds.), Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir (pp. 117–133). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10/ggf6 

  5. Van Ditmarsch, H., van Eijck, J., Pardo, P., Ramezanian, R., & Schwarzentruber, F. (2017). Epistemic protocols for dynamic gossip. Journal of Applied Logic, 20, 1–31. DOI: 10/f9p6c3  2

  6. Lebensold, K. (1973). Efficient Communication by Phone Calls. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 52(4), 345–358. DOI: 10/ghrv4s 

  7. Gattinger, M. (2018). New Directions in Model Checking Dynamic Epistemic Logic [PhD Thesis]. Universiteit van Amsterdam. URL: https://malv.in/phdthesis/  2 3

  8. Van Ditmarsch, H., van der Hoek, W., & Kooi, B. (2008). Action Models. In Dynamic epistemic logic. Springer. DOI: 10/c6zcqh