Gossip definitions
A summary of notation and theory presented in van Ditmarsch et al., 2018
Gossip graphs
The capital letters \(P,Q,\dots\) denote any set of binary relations such that \(P \subseteq A^2\), where \(A\) denotes the set of agents \(\{a,b,\dots\}\). They do not reference a specific set or relation within \(G\).
Relation | Symbol | Meaning | Explanation |
Binary relation | \(Pxy\) | \(x, y \in A \land (x,y) \in P\) | Agent \(x\) has relation \(P\) to agent \(y\). |
Identity relation | \(I_A\) | \(\{\, (x,x) \mid x \in A \,\}\) | The set of all relations where an agent has a relation with itself. |
Converse relation | \(P^{-1}\) | \(\{\, (x,y) \mid (y,x) \in P \,\}\) | The set of relations such that wherever the original set had a relation \((x,y)\), the converse relation is \((y,x)\) |
Composition relation | \(P \circ Q\) | \(\{\, (x, z) \mid \exists y \in A : (x,y) \in P \land (y, z) \in Q \,\}\) | The set of all relations where two agents can reach each other by calling one other agent. 1 |
No name | \(P_x\) | \(\{\, y \in A \mid Pxy \,\}\) | The set of agents that \(x\) has a connection to. |
No name | \(P^{i}\) | \(\begin{cases} P & \text{for}\; i = 1 \\ P^{i-1} \circ P & \text{for}\; i > 1 \end{cases}\) | All relations in \(P\) where there are \(i - 1\) agents between agents. |
No name | \(P^*\) | \(\bigcup_{i \geq 1} N^i\) | All connections that are possible through (repeated) relation composition in \(P\). |
Properties of gossip graphs
Property | Formal definition | Explanation |
Weakly connected | \(\forall x, y \in A \left(\exists (x, y) \in (P \cup P^{-1}) \right)\) | For all agents, there exists at least a one-directional connection to all other agents in relation \(P\) |
Strongly connected | \(\forall x, y \in A \left((x,y) \in P \right)\) | Relation \(P\) holds for every combination of agents |
Complete | \(P = A^2\) | The relation entails all possible relations |
Expert agent | \(S_x = A\) | Agent \(x\) knows all secrets |
Gossip protocols
Calls and call sequences
A call from agent \(x\) to agent \(y\) is written simply as \(xy\), given that \(x\) and \(y\) are both agents in a gossip graph, and that \(x\) has the number of \(y\) (i.e. \(Nxy\))
Call sequences use lowercase greek letters: \(\sigma, \pi, \tau, \dots\)
Symbol | Explanation |
\(\epsilon\) | Empty sequence |
\(\sigma\, ; \tau\) | Concatenation |
\(\sigma \sqsubseteq \tau\) | \(\sigma\) is a prefix of \(\tau\), i.e. \(\tau = \sigma\mathbin{;}\pi\) where \(\pi\) can be \(\epsilon\) |
\(\sigma \sqsubset \tau\) | \(\sigma\) is a proper prefix of \(\tau\), i.e. \(\tau = \sigma\mathbin{;}\pi\) where \(\pi\) cannot be \(\epsilon\) |
\(\lvert \sigma \rvert\) | Length of the call sequence |
\(\sigma[i]\) | The \(i\)th call in the non-empty finite sequence \(\sigma\) |
\(\sigma \vert i\) | \(\rho \sqsubseteq \sigma \land \lvert \rho \rvert = i\) (The first \(i\) calls in \(\sigma\)) |
Symbol | Formal definition | Explanation |
\(xy\) | — | The call from \(x\) to \(y\) |
\(\overline{xy}\) | — | The call from \(x\) to \(y\) or vice versa |
\(\sigma_x\) | \(\begin{cases} \epsilon & \text{if}\; \sigma = \epsilon\\\tau_x\mathbin{;}uv & \text{if}\; \sigma = \tau\mathbin{;}uv \land (x = u \lor x = v) \\ \tau_x & \text{if}\; \sigma = \tau\mathbin{;}uv \land \lnot(x = u \lor x = v) \end{cases}\) | The calls in a sequence \(\sigma\) containing \(x\) (subsequence) |
\(P^{xy}\) | \(P \, \cup \, (\{ (x,y), (y,x) \} \circ P)\) | The relation \(P\) after call \(xy\) |
\(G^{xy}\) | \((A, N^{xy}, S^{xy})\) | The state of the gossip graph \(G\) after call \(xy\) |
\(G^{\sigma}\) | \(\begin{cases} G & \text{if}\; \sigma = \epsilon\\ (G^{xy})^{\tau} & \text{if}\; \sigma = xy\mathbin{;}\tau \end{cases}\) | The state of the gossip graph \(G\) after call sequence \(\sigma\) |
Protocol condition
A protocol condition \(\pi(x,y)\) is a boolean combination of the following consituents.
Constituent | Intuitive meaning |
\(S^{\sigma}xy\) | After a call sequence \(\sigma\), \(x\) knows the secret of \(y\) |
\(xy \in \sigma_x\) | \(x\) has called \(y\) |
\(yx \in \sigma_x\) | \(x\) has been called by \(y\) |
\(\sigma_x = \epsilon\) | \(x\) has not called anyone, and has not been called by anyone |
\(\sigma_x = \tau\mathbin{;}xz\) | The last call \(x\) made was to \(z\) |
\(\sigma_x = \tau\mathbin{;}zx\) | The last call to \(x\) was made by \(z\) |
Gossip protocol
A protocol \(\mathsf{P}\) is a combination of a protocol condition \(\pi(x,y)\) and a non-deterministic algorithm. See page 708 of the paper.
Permitted call sequence
Not all calls are permitted.
Call (sequence) | Graph | Permitted iff |
\(xy\) | \(G^{\sigma}\) | \(\sigma\) possible2 on \(G\); \(x \neq y \; \land \; N^{\sigma}xy \; \land\) and \(\pi(x,y)\) holds in \(G^{\sigma}\) |
\(\epsilon\) | \(G\) | Always |
\(\sigma\mathbin{;}xy\) | \(G\) | \(xy\) permitted on \(G^{\sigma}\), \(\sigma\) permitted on \(G\) (recursive definition) |
\(\lvert \sigma \rvert = \infty\) | \(G\) | \(\forall n \in N (\sigma[n+1] \; \text{permitted on} \; G^{\sigma \vert n})\), i.e. the call after the first \(n\) calls must be permitted (ad infinitum) |
Protocol extension
Symbol | Meaning |
\(\mathsf{P}_G\) | Extension of protocol \(\mathsf{P}\) on gossip graph \(G\). Holds the set of \(\mathsf{P}\)-sequences on \(G\). |
\(\mathcal{G}\) | Collection of gossip graphs |
\(\mathsf{P}_{\mathcal{G}}\) | The set of extensions on the set of gossip graphs \(\mathcal{G}\) |
Properties of protocols
Property | Definition |
Terminating | If all call sequences on a graph \(G\) are terminating, the protocol is also terminating. |
\(\mathsf{P}_{\mathcal{G}} \subseteq \mathsf{P}^\prime_{\mathcal{G}}\) | \(\forall G \in \mathcal{G}(\mathsf{P}_G \subseteq \mathsf{P}^\prime_G)\) |
\(\mathsf{P} \subseteq \mathsf{P}^\prime\) | \(\mathsf{P}_{\mathcal{G}} \subseteq \mathsf{P}^\prime_{\mathcal{G}}\) holds for the initial gossip graphs |
Properties of call sequences in a protocol
Property | Meaning |
(\(\mathsf{P}\))-maximal | A sequence that is \(\mathsf{P}\)-permitted and no more calls are possible on \(G^{\sigma}\), or the sequence is infinite. |
(\(\mathsf{P}\))-stuck | \(S^{\sigma}\) is not complete and \(\sigma\) is \(\mathsf{P}\)-maximal |
(\(\mathsf{P}\))-fair | \(\sigma\) is finite, or if it is infinite, \(\sigma\) is \(\mathsf{P}\)-permitted |
(\(\mathsf{P}\))-maximal for \(B\) (\(B \subseteq A\)) | All calls between members of \(B\) are \(\mathsf{P}\)-maximal |
(\(\mathsf{P}\)-)successful | \(\sigma \in \mathsf{P}_G\) is successful if it is finite and all agents in \(G^{\sigma}\) are experts |
The \(\mathsf{P}\)- prefix can be ommited if it is clear from context what the protocol is.
Assessment | Meaning |
strongly successful | all maximal \(\sigma \in \mathsf{P}_G\) are successful |
fairly successful | all maximal fair \(\sigma \in \mathsf{P}_G\) are successful |
weakly successful | there is a \(\sigma \in \mathsf{P}_G\) that is successful |
unsuccessful | there is no \(\sigma \in \mathsf{P}_G\) that is successful |
The success assessment of \(\mathsf{P}\) on \(\mathcal{G}\) is determined by finding which assessment holds for all \(G \in \mathcal{G}\)
The gossip problem
Given a collection \(\mathcal{G}\): what is the assessment of \(\mathsf{P}\) on \(\mathcal{G}\)? i.e. Is \(\mathsf{P}\) (strongly, fairly, weakly, or un-) successful on \(\mathcal{G}\)?
van Ditmarsch, H., van Eijck, J., Pardo, P., Ramezanian, R., & Schwarzentruber, F. (2018). Dynamic Gossip. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 45(3), 701–728. https://doi.org/10/cvpm
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_of_relations for more details. A useful example can be found under Definition. Rewritten in the context of gossip, this becomes: \((x,z) \in P \circ Q \iff y \in A : (x,y) \in A \land (y,z) \in A\), or in words: A relation \((x,z\)) is in the composed relation \(P \circ Q\) if and only if there exists another agent in \(A\) where a relation \((x,y\)) exists in \(P\) and a relation \((y,z\)) exists in \(Q\). ↩
A call sequence is only possible if for all calls \(c_i \in \sigma\) such that \(\sigma = c_i\mathbin{;}\tau\), the call is possible, i.e. \(Nc_i\) ↩