1. Dynamic epistemic gossip with group calls
    1. Local broadcast
    2. True group call
  2. Modelling epistemic relations
    1. Knowledge structures
  3. References

Dynamic epistemic gossip with group calls

We extend previous definitions of dynamic epistemic gossip123 with the notion of group calls. We base our notation off of Van Ditmarsch et al.3:

Given a finite set of agents (or nodes) \(A = \{a,b,\dots\}\), we represent a gossip graph \(G\) with telephone numbers and secrets as a triple \((A, N, S)\) with \(N, S \subseteq A \times A\). That is, the agents \(A\) are the vertices and \(N,S\) are binary relations on \(A\), with \(Nxy\) (for \((x,y) \in N\)) expressing that \(x\) knows the (telephone) number of \(y\), and \(Sxy\) expressing that \(x\) knows the secret of \(y\).

For the full list of gossip notation used and its definitions, see here.

Our main change to this definition concerns the definition of calls and related definitions. We allow one agent to call some number of other agents. We do not fix this number, and allow the number of agents to be called to be protocol-dependent. We define a group call as a call from one agent \(a\) to \(k\) other agents \(b_1, \dots, b_k\), and write such a call as \(a|b_1 \dots b_k|\).

We now consider two possible update mechanics:

Local broadcast

In a local broadcast scenario, one agents simply announces their knowledge to all other agents in the group call, and receives their information. However, the other agents in the group call do not gain more information, except from the call initiator:

\[N^{x|y_1 \dots y_k|}_z = \begin{cases} N_x \cup (\bigcup_{i = 1}^{k} N_{y_i}) & \text{if} & z = x\\ N_x \cup N_z & \text{if} & z \in \{ y_1, \dots, y_k \}\\ N_z & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \quad (\text{Similar for }S^{x \mid y_1 \dots y_k \mid}_z)\]

True group call

In a true group call scenario, there is still one agent initiating the call, but the call corresponds more closely to real-life group calls; everything announced in the call is transferred to every agent:

\[N^{x|y_1 \dots y_k|}_z = \begin{cases} N_x \cup (\bigcup_{i = 1}^{k} N_{y_i}) & \text{if} & z \in \{ x, y_1, \dots, y_k \}\\ N_z & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \quad (\text{Similar for }S^{x \mid y_1 \dots y_k \mid}_z)\]

For both of the scenarios above, the call-induced gossip graph is written as \(G^{x \mid y_1 \dots y_k \mid}\), e.g., when agent \(a\) calls agents b, c, and d, we write \(G^{a \mid bcd \mid}\).

For this project, we have chosen to implement the true group calls.

Modelling epistemic relations

Knowledge structures

Instead of the Kripke-like gossip model that is used to model agents’ knowledge about a gossip process such as i.a. Van Ditmarsch et al. (2017)3, we model this using Knowledge Structures. As introducted by Gattinger (2018)4, a knowledge structure is represented by \(\mathcal{F}=(V,\theta,O_a,O_b,\ldots)\), where \(V\) is the vocabulary set of atoms, \(\theta\) is the state law, a binary formula that every state (i.e. a valuation of the atoms in \(V\)) needs to satisfy. The sets \((O_x)_{x\in A}\) are the observable atoms of agent \(x\). An atom is observable for agent \(x\) if they are certain of whether this atom is true or false.

In this context, a knowledge structure should reflect the knowledge of all agents given a gossip state \((G,\sigma)\). For an initial gossip state \((G=(A,N,S),\ \varepsilon)\) where \(S=I_A\subseteq N\), We define these sets as follows:

\begin{align*} V &= \{ \texttt{N}(x, y) \mid x, y \in A \} \cup
\{ \texttt{S}(x, y) \mid x, y \in A \} \cup
\{ \texttt{C}(x, y) \mid x, y \in A \},\\
\theta &= \bigwedge_{x \in A} ( \texttt{S}(x, x) \land \texttt{N}(x, x) ) \\
& \land \bigwedge_{x, y \in A} \texttt{C}(x, y) \to ( \texttt{N}(x,y) \land \texttt{N}(y, x) \land \texttt{S}(x, y) \land \texttt{S}(y, x)),\\
& \land \bigwedge_{x,y,z\in A} (\texttt{C}(x,y) \to (( \texttt{N}(x,z) \leftrightarrow \texttt{N}(y,z))\land (\texttt{S}(x,z) \leftrightarrow \texttt{S}(y, z))))\\
O_{x \in A} &= \{ \texttt{S}(x,x) \} \cup \{ \texttt{N}(x, y) \mid y \in N_x^{\varepsilon} \} \end{align*}

Where we take our definition of \(\texttt{C}(x,y)\) from Ramezanian et al. (2021)^[ram21], replacing the definition given in van Ditmarsch et al. (2017)^[dit17]. Note that, as we intend to update this structure as specified below, it isn’t necessary to define a conversion from an arbitrary (i.e. not initial) gossip state to a corresponding knowledge structure.


  1. Herzig, A., & Maffre, F. (2017). How to share knowledge by gossiping. AI Communications, 30(1), 1–17. DOI: 10/f94qxh 

  2. Ramezanian, R., Ramezanian, R., van Ditmarsch, H., & Gattinger, M. (2021). Everyone Knows that Everyone Knows. In M. Mojtahedi, S. Rahman, & M. S. Zarepour (Eds.), Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir (pp. 117–133). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10/ggf6 

  3. Van Ditmarsch, H., van Eijck, J., Pardo, P., Ramezanian, R., & Schwarzentruber, F. (2017). Epistemic protocols for dynamic gossip. Journal of Applied Logic, 20, 1–31. DOI: 10/f9p6c3  2 3

  4. Gattinger, M. (2018). New Directions in Model Checking Dynamic Epistemic Logic [PhD Thesis]. Universiteit van Amsterdam. URL: https://malv.in/phdthesis/