This page intends to be a gentle introduction to the material used in this project. We’ll start by explaining the idea first, and then go into some more detail about the separate parts, taking extra time to show how these parts are connected. The information presented here is consciously not very formal for ease of understanding. Where applicable, we will refer to a more technical explanation elsewhere on this site or sometimes a journal article.

  1. The project
  2. Gossip
    1. Group calls
  3. Epistemic logic
    1. Knowledge structures
    2. Knowledge transformers
  4. Putting it all together
    1. Kripke models for gossip graphs
    2. Reducing model size
    3. Transforming knowledge

The project

For this project, we wanted to look at the way knowledge plays a role in gossip. We combine aspects of (dynamic) epistemic logic with (dynamic) gossip. Some of these subjects have been discussed during the University of Groningen Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS) AI masters course, but some haven’t. Therefore, we will give a brief introduction to the new parts and talk about the way these new parts connect with the established knowledge.


The Gossip problem is a formal description of a situation in which gossip spreads through a network. We describe a group of agents who each have a secret only they know. They also have the phone numbers of some other agents. When they call another agent, the agents exchange their phone numbers and all the secrets they know. These relations are described in a directed graph, where the agents are the nodes, and the edges represent who knows whose phone number or secret.

The problem sketched above is known as dynamic gossip. This is because the agents exchange phone numbers – leading to a constantly changing graph of who can call whom. This is interesting, because this allows us to apply this kind of reasoning in the real world. Some examples of applications of gossip include the management of distributed databases (e.g. by Amazon) or creating privacy-friendly social networks such as Scuttlebutt.

The end goal of a gossip problem is that every agent is an expert, that is, every agent knows every other agent’s secret. This state of the gossip graph is called a complete gossip graph.

Group calls

The “traditional” definition of (dynamic) gossip assumes calls happen between two agents, with one agent initiating the call and the other receiving the call. For this project, we wanted to look at a version of dynamic gossip in which group calls are possible – i.e., one agent initiates a call to multiple recipients, and all participants exchange numbers and secrets.

Epistemic logic

Epistemic logic is used to model agent knowledge in multi-agent systems. We can use epistemic logic to model gossip. This means we can talk about more than “Agent A knows the secret of agent B”, for example, we can say “Agent A knows that agent B knows the secret of C”. This allows us to formulate communication protocols that use this knowledge to reach a complete gossip graph. We can also define a more ambitious goal, namely that every agent knows that everyone knows each other’s secrets.

Knowledge structures

A standard tool for working with epistemic models are Kripke models. These allow us to intuitively show indistinguishability relations. However, these models get very large very quickly in the case of dynamic gossip. Therefore, we use knowledge structures to represent the gossip state. These are both smaller and computationally more efficient.

Knowledge transformers

An important aspect of gossip is updating the gossip graph. Therefore, we also need a way to update the Kripke model and/or knowledge structure. From Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) we know that Action Models can be used to succinctly represent changes to a Kripke model. Their equivalent for knowledge structures is called a knowledge transformer.

Putting it all together

Kripke models for gossip graphs

In a Kripke model, we model the indistinguishability relations for agent knowledge. For gossip, this means that we need to represent agent knowledge and model which agents can know what. For example, in a three-agent gossip graph with agents A, B, and C, we need to model the secret (S) relation, the number (N) relation and the has called (C) relation. This means we need to model a lot of knowledge! Even when taking into account that knowing a secret always means knowing a number, we have an incredibly large number of possible relations.

Reducing model size

A solution to make the model (a bit) smaller is to use Knowledge Structures. This allows us to model the Kripke model in a format that (at least in theory) allows more efficient computation. However, since the knowledge structure needs to contain all possible atoms (being all combinations of the number, secret and has called relations) and also needs to represent this in the state law, this still gets quite big.

Transforming knowledge

Where we can use action models to succinctly represent knowledge change in Kripke models, we can use Knowledge Transformers to do the same for Knowledge Structures.